About Greenfire Innovations

More Clarity about Greenfire Innovations

More Clarity about Greenfire Innovations

What we have found is that many faith-driven entrepreneurs feel frustrated with their progress and have begun to wonder if they are missing something important. Fearing they will never reach their full potential, they see lackluster results and feel almost trapped by their work.

What they really want is amazing results, but even more importantly, a sense of purpose and fulfillment in work and life, honoring God and helping others.

They think the problem is that they are not working hard enough or putting enough time & energy into their endeavors.

So they end up pouring more time into work. Instead of improving their situation, working harder perpetuates work-life IMbalance and makes them miss out on even more.

The real problem is a lack of clarity compounded with ineffective paradigms and broken or non-existent systems.

What they need to do is implement a system that will provide clarity on their higher purpose and Ideal Destination plus a path to both.

"For 25 years I worked jobs and ran businesses that failed to use my potential. Not only did I feel unfulfilled, but most of the time I disliked my work altogether. I tried to “do more” or “do different” strategies (none of which worked). It wasn’t until I discovered my higher purpose, shifted my paradigms, and got some coaching that my business became fulfilling," says Eric Beschinski, Chief Navigation Officer for Greenfire.

Our proprietary methodology provides a visual system of Organizational Navigation (which is strategy + execution). It’s called the iNautilus; it is concise, progressive, functional, and manageable, and it results in absolute clarity of purpose, an Ideal Destination, and an executable path to get there.

​We focus on:

  • Organizational Navigation (strategy + execution)
  • Sales Methodologies
  • Powerful, Informed Paradigms


​Greenfire Innovations is all about meaningful solutions for business

For ERIC BESCHINSKI, his entrepreneurial spirit clarified as he advanced in the financial industry. His drive to help small to mid-sized companies grow, propels their businesses to the next level and adds a layer of accountability to every part of the process.

Eric is passionate about his methodology to help companies fulfill their potential using proven best practices. Using his programs, companies can grow and adapt to the needs of their customers, improve the bottom line, and create an effective team.

Eric uses his financial services experience, sales training ability, and business strategy acumen to assist companies in improving their day-to-day operations. He works with leaders and teams to strengthen their workflows and create a solid foundation of ownership among the entire team.

Eric is a God-follower, a family guy, and a Renaissance man. iNautilus Guide for Organizational Navigation was the first of several books written. His solutions, ideas, and expertise are unique, refreshing, and poised to revolutionize business planning and organizational management.

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